Talking through trauma – The journalism story

Participate in a discussion led by Professor Gerard Hutchinson exploring trauma and mental health issues experienced by working journalists in the wake of covid19 as they manage the varied challenges of this profession.
It’s part of our quarterly meeting this Saturday!
Zoom conference begins on November 05, 2022 at 10:00am. Email us at to confirm a spot and receive the link to join the meeting.
About our expert guest
Professor Gerard Hutchinson is the Professor and Unit Lead in Psychiatry, at the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, St Augustine.
He serves as the Co-ordinator of the Post Graduate training programme in Psychiatry, St Augustine campus and is the University Examiner in Psychiatry for UWI’s four campuses.
Dr Hutchinson is the Head of Psychiatry and Mental Health Services at the North Central Regional Health Authority (NCRHA), where he oversees and coordinates the in-patient and outpatient mental health services of the NCRHA, inclusive of the Stress Relief Centre and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic.
He has authored or co-authored over 130 peer reviewed academic publications and his work has over 9000 citations. He is the national representative of the International Association of Suicide Prevention.
His research interests are developmental studies, suicide and first episode serious mental illness (psychosis).