Today, December 13, 2021, MATT was notified via an emailed letter of the resignation of three members of the current executive, Kalain Hosein, Asha Javeed and Laura Dowrich-Phillips have resigned from their positions. We have accepted their resignations and acknowledge their service since this executive took office.

MATT has grown into an active community of people dedicated to upholding the Fourth Estate and uplifting and supporting journalists.
The executive remains commited to transparency, democracy and good governance and we are guided by elders in the journalism community who have offered support as the organisation reorganises.

The remaining members of the executive constitute a quorum and can continue the business of the association.
We are guided by this clause from the MATT constitution…

“(VII) 8. Executive Committee
(a) Whenever the vacancy occurs in the Executive during the bi-annual period, the Executive may appoint any full members of the Association to fill such vacancy for the un-expired period.
10. Quorum (Executive Meetings)
(a) Four (4) members of the Executive shall constitute a quorum. The President or in his or her absence the Vice President shall have an original and casting vote.
11. General Meeting
(a) There shall be a General Meeting of the Association on a quarterly basis effective from the date of a Bi-annual general meeting or as often as deemed necessary by the Executive.”

Since there is a quarterly general meeting scheduled to occur on or before January 01, 2022, the current members of the executive will work to strengthen its governance capacity and ready ourselves to report on the work of our first quarter and to seek the endorsement of the membership for members who will be invited to hold the posts of Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Given the interest in the reasons for the resignation of three members of the organisation’s executive and in the interests of transparency in governance, the letter’s text is reproduced below…

December 13, 2021

Dear colleagues,

After much introspection, we regret to inform you of our decision to resign from our posts as Vice-President, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer of the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago.

We have appreciated the opportunity to advocate on behalf of the fraternity.

However, at this point, we have come to the conclusion that our vision for MATT would not be realised due to challenges and a divergence of views with the leadership.

We are grateful to have served and remain committed to the cause of journalism.

Best regards,

Asha Javeed

Kalain Hosein

Laura Dowrich-Phillips