MATT statement on World Press Freedom day 2024
The environment for journalism is "bad" in seven out of ten countries and satisfactory in only three out of ten.
The environment for journalism is "bad" in seven out of ten countries and satisfactory in only three out of ten.
We have undertaken the daunting process of getting MATT NGO status.
Dear Member, As previously announced, the date for nominations for the election of a new executive to the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago...
The AG's enthusiasm for the idea of regulation is not shared by MATT, which operates on principles of professional persuasion and formally stands against any effort or inference by the government or its representatives.
Journalists risked their lives, and many were permanently traumatised and scarred while doing their duty to their profession and country.
According to Reporters sans Frontières, Trinidad and Tobago provides a generally safe and protected environment for the profession.
MATT continues to call for clearer criteria for access by media professionals to government officials.
All practising journalists should have an opportunity to question the government in person.
Journalists Joel Nanton and Anthony Harris have passed on.
When press conferences turn personal, there is the potential to create a chilling effect in the form of self censorship of the journalism.
“There can be no democracy without the functioning free press.” - Andy Johnson
MATT has expressed a willingness to assist media houses in planning for more effective coverage of the upcoming National Awards to be held at President's House under Covid-19 protocols.
MATT has no jurisdiction over individual newsrooms and their reporters, who are accountable to their editors and respective media houses.
Following allegedly defamatory statements made by a radio announcer and the Government’s ‘demand’ for a copy of the programme, on 22nd November, MATT wishes...
Low levels of criminal detection and lethargic judicial systems throughout the region also combine to create conditions under which impunity can exist and thrive.