The MATT Executive

Dale Enoch
PresidentDale Enoch has been a media practitioner for more than 33 years.He is the Head of News at ‘One Caribbean Media’ and is responsible for the news product at five radio frequencies in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago. Mr Enoch and his team feeds news throughout the OCM group in the region several times daily.
He is a past president of MATT and the Association of Caribbean Media Workers.

Kandace Jackson
Vice PresidentKandace Jackson, née Chulhan, has worked in media for nine years.
She spent seven years with Tobago Channel 5 and is now a producer with Tobago Updates.
She has a passion for reporting on tourism, history, the environment and politics.

Mark Lyndersay
TreasurerMark Lyndersay is an award-winning photojournalist, feature writer and columnist working in media for the last 48 years. He is the editor of and writes for Newsday.

Phillip Matheson
Bio to come

Gregory McBurnie
SecretaryGregory McBurnie is a journalist with Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

Robert Taylor
Floor MemberRobert Taylor is an award winning photographer and the current Photographic Editor of the Trinidad Express Newspapers with over 28 years of experience.
He loves sports photography and capturing traditional Carnival characters.

Andrew Gioannetti
Floor MemberAndrew Gioannetti is a freelance writer with over ten years of experience in local print media, contributing to sports, news, and feature articles at the T&T Guardian, T&T Newsday, and several magazines and publications.

Ira Mathur
TrusteeIra Mathur is an award-winning multimedia journalist and writer. She is a columnist for the Trinidad Guardian and has worked in radio, print, and television, news, features and current affairs for over 25 years.

Judy Raymond
TrusteeJudy Raymond has worked for all three daily newspapers as an editor and writer.
Her parliamentary column appeared first in the Trinidad Guardian, then the Express.
She is a former editor in chief of both the Trinidad Guardian and Trinidad & Tobago Newsday, and the editor of Caribbean Beat.
She is currently Newsday’s editorial consultant, a former vice-president of MATT and the author of four nonfiction books.