Dear Member,

As previously announced, the date for nominations for the election of a new executive to the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) was extended by two weeks to yesterday, November 25, 2023.

In the interest of MATT’s continuing its representation of a robust local fourth estate, a quorum of the outgoing executive, operating within the guidelines of the MATT constitution, has appointed an interim executive made up of a mix of members who have offered themselves up as nominees, a past president, and the immediate past treasurer.

This action in the service of the continuity of MATT was undertaken by the following members of the executive:

Ira Mathur – President
Kandace Jackson – Vice President
Mark Lyndersay – Treasurer
Robert Taylor – Floor Member

The interim executive will continue the business of MATT until a new election is held in three months. This interim executive will also oversee the upcoming election in March 2024.
In addition, the quorum of the executive has appointed two trustees to ensure a smooth transition: immediate past president Ira Mathur and past executive member Judy Raymond.

Since the organisation does not possess title to property, deeds, title or securities, the role of the trustees will be solely advisory, and they will support and advise the work of the current executive.

The quorum of the elected executive has appointed the following members of MATT as the interim executive, representing a mix of past executive members who have offered to continue their work and members who have offered their time to continue the work of MATT:

Dale Enoch – President
Kandace Jackson – Vice President
Mark Lyndersay – Treasurer
Phillip Matheson – Secretary
Gregory McBurnie – Assistant Secretary
Robert Taylor – Floor Member
Andrew Gioannettti – Floor Member

The following is the section of the MATT constitution allowing this move by the outgoing executive. The entire constitution is also included for the information of MATT members.

9. Powers of the Executive Committee

(a) It shall be responsible for administrating the association’s funds.

(b) It shall be responsible for making all preparations concerning elections.

(c) Pending the approval of the general membership, it shall have the power to suspend any member of the executive for misconduct, breach of these rules, dishonesty, refusal to carry out the lawful decisions of the executive and conduct calculated or likely to affect adversely the association or its members and for any other reason which it deems good and significant in the interest of the association.

(d) It shall have the power to interpret these rules and to decide all questions to which these rules are silent, and its decision thereon shall be binding unless reversed by the association at general meetings.

(e) Except as may otherwise be provided by these rules, the executive shall act for and in the association’s name and take full force and effect as the acts of the association in general meetings.

(f) The Executive Committee shall appoint any four members a disciplinary committee, to consider charges of misconduct and other offences (as stated in subclause c) against any member of the association.

The following is the section that relates to trustees.


(a) There shall be two trustees who shall hold in their joint names and that of the president the title to all property of the association, in trust for the association and its members.

(b) If a trustee dies or is removed from office, the executive shall appoint another until the next annual general meeting of the association.

(c) The remaining trustee, in all matters, acts only under the direction of the executive but, subject to such direction, shall have the power to invest all or any part of the association’s general fund in such manner as the executive may from time to time determine.

(d) All deeds, documents of title and securities of the association shall be held by the trustees and the president. They must take such measures for the safe custody and preservation thereof at the expense of the association as the executive thinks fit, and shall be responsible for the safe custody of all such deeds, documents and securities are placed in their hands under control and shall produce them for inspection when required by the executive and/or general membership to do so.

(e) It shall be the duty of the trustee who has been removed from office to execute such documents and take all such other steps as may be necessary to transfer to the trustee for the trustee of the association all property, securities and other things held by him on behalf of the Association within 21 days of his resignation or removal from office.

(f) The trustee shall not invest any part of the funds of the association upon security of their own property or otherwise in accordance with the law and then only by direction of the executive and/or the general membership.