The MATT executive continues its efforts to deliver value to membership in small but tangible ways. To that end, we have reached an agreement with ANSA McAL to provide any interested member in good standing of MATT with a Premier Rewards Card from the company.

You can view a listing of the merchants who offer discounts on this card here.

MATT will continue to uphold the Fourth Estate and where possible engage offers that provide health and economic support for our members.

ANSA McAL will provide all interested MATT members with the option of holding a Premier Rewards Card, which offers discounts in the outlet listed in the brochure for the service, which can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Any member interested in taking advantage of this offer should download and fill out the form below and send it via email to Kirwin Girdharry, the Premier Card Officer.

Kirwin will arrange to send your personal card directly to you and can also be contacted on his mobile (868 290-4933) to answer any questions you may have.

Once the form has been submitted, the relationship between the MATT member and ANSA McAl will proceed without any intervention from MATT.

Below you will find MATT’s letter of acceptance and caveats to ANSA McAL in acknowledging the company’s offer to working journalists.

We hope you take a few minutes to fill out the form and take advantage of the offered discounts for you and your families.